Central Christian Church

On Sunday's
School at 9:30 am
Worship at 10:30 am
ReNew Life Fellowship and youth group at 6:00 pm
Driving Directions:
We're approximately 2 miles west of the Fulton city limits on State Road ''F''. Take Fourth Street out of Fulton until it turns into ''F'' and proceed to the intersection with State Road ''KK''.
About Us
Central is a thriving and growing congregation filled with lots of folks who just enjoy being together in fellowship with God. We were established in 1879 as a small rural church that met in local family's homes.Today, we still try to maintain that small country church feel, but we also know that growth must come in all forms in order for any organization (especially churches) to succeed. Our slogan is a summary of our overall mission statement... we strive to ''Know Christ, Grow in Christ, and Make Christ Known.'' Even when we sometimes fall short of the mark, we know that forgiveness is part of who we are. We try to remind all those we come in contact with that even though our culture often looks bleak, there is a promise of HOPE that can be found in a relationship with God. We invite everyone to come be a part of our great family.
- Biblical Teaching and preaching every Sunday morning
- Youth events for all ages. Children's Church on Sunday during worship. Youth group on Sunday evening.
- Outreach and mission projects and partnerships are a regular part of our ministry
- Family Friendly atmosphere with a "small church feel" all while still growing and healthy.