City of Auxvasse

Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Driving Directions:
17 Miles from Mexico, MO
19 Miles from Fulton, MO
37.7 miles from Jefferson City, MO
29.8 miles from Columbia, MO
About Us
Auxvasse is the 3rd largest 4th class city in Callaway County. We are located: 11.8 miles south of Mexico, MO., 13.6 miles north of Fulton, MO., 30.6 miles east of Columbia, MO and 110 miles west of St. Louis, MO. We have two city parks – Mottaz Park and A.H. Domann Memorial Park, which both are available to rent through out the year for weddings, birthday parties and other events. Auxvasse has 1 grade school – Auxvasse Elementary School (Kindergarten through 8th grade). North Callaway High School (grades 9-12) is located in Kingdom City, MO., 6 miles south of Auxvasse. As a community with several businesses, we have different groups and organizations who hold several events through out the year including: car shows, quilt shows, rodeos, parades, all-town garage sales, not for profit events and much more.