Rotary Club of Fulton

OrganizationsBEE-Connected Business Expo 2020Individuals/Friend Members
noon-1 p.m. Wednesdays
About Us
Rotary brings together people from all walks of life who want to use their expertise for good. People whose sense of responsibility inspires them to give back to their communities. At Rotary, we connect for good — and form lifelong friendships in the process. Together, we empower youth, improve health, promote peace, and advance our communities in all corners of the globe. With 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs worldwide, our global community’s impact has never been greater — and it continues to grow. Established in 1923, the Rotary Club of Fulton has a proud history of service to this community. The Fulton Rotary Club consists of business professionals and leaders in our community and is widely recognized for service work around the world as well as right in our own backyard. We are fortunate to have 50 great members who are passionately involved in a number of local and international projects.
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